
Hello World! | Week 1

My first blog post! I'm so excited, all the adrenaline in my body could make a horde of elephants start a stampede trampling to death the guys injecting them with it!

As this is the first blog in a series of blogs to come,  I shouldn't make this about me. I should make this about my blog.
To a lead a busier life, one fine day I decided to do something creative every day. By this I mean I try and create something small or part of something big every day (Except on weekends. Life on weekends is about desctruction, mainly of your liver and your bank account, not about creation.) I have been adhering to this policy for a few weeks now and decided to increase my motivation by adding social pressure into the equation.

This site is dedicated to show you once a week (some of) the stuff I made during the past week. This way, I'm holding myself accountable to the most unsatisfiable person on the face of the earth. No, not my mother, I'm talking about the Internet, of course.

Should I, for some obscure reason, fail to deliver five items, I will bore you out of your mind with letters and words arranged in an unlikely fashion instead.

As I have several projects going and some more only in my mind or on paper, a second function of this site is the collection of the stuff I publish about everywhere on the Internet. I am no friend of centralisation, but I do like having all my stuff in one single place. Its like clothes. I like having different kinds of clothes, like socks or T-shirts, and, call me crazy, I like finding them all in one single place.

To end this first post, here are some of the things I did in the last few days (click images to enlarge) :

(channel art for Le Débardeur Mouvies)

Did you see my beautiful hands? Maybe I should get a job as a hand model. I would have a handjob all week! Sorry.

This very blog. (If you think I'm openly cheating, you're right.)

That's all for now folks. Feel free to leave a comment! See you next week!

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